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Define the pipeline sources and destinations

A deployment is a way to run a Machine Learning pipeline in a repeatable and automated way. First, you have to choose one of the 2 deployments methods.

Then, you need to connect the pipeline inputs and outputs with the desired sources and destinations.

Sources : This is the origin of the data that you want to connect to the pipeline inputs. The data can come from the data store, from environment variables, from constants or from the endpoint (if this deployment method has been chosen).

Destinations : This is the data drop point that you want to connect to the pipeline outputs. The data can go to the data store or to the endpoint (if this deployment method has been chosen).


On this page, we will mainly focus on the platform's SDK interface.

However, it is possible to deploy a pipeline directly from the web interface by going to the Pipelines page, selecting a pipeline and then clicking the Deploy button.


  1. General function of I/O mapping
  2. Create input mapping
  3. Create output mapping
Objects name Constructor Return type Description
InputSource InputSource(step_input_name, required=False, default=None) InputSource Object Create a mapping source object for deployment.
OutputDestination OutputDestination(step_output_name, endpoint_output_name, required=False, default=None) OutputDestination Object Create a mapping destination object for deployment.

General function of the I/O mapping

Mapping rules

When you start a new deployment, the data flow is configured with a mapping. You can create this mapping in two ways: auto mapping (only available with endpoint trigger) or manual mapping in the SDK or UI.

Auto mapping automatically maps all inputs to endpoint variables for sources. If you need a different mapping or another trigger, you must map your inputs and outputs manually.

Auto mapping Example

For each input / output, you had defined a data type in step. This data type will be the same as the mapped step input / output. You need to map the good source and destination with the good data type :

  • Endpoint (input and output) → Variable (string, number, ...) and file
  • Data store → Only file
  • Constant → Only variable (string, number, ...)
  • Environment variable → Only variable (string, number, ...)
  • None → Variable (string, number, ...) and file


The inputs (as outputs) of a step mapped through the endpoint (default mapping) can consist of only a single file or multiple variables. Thus, if you use deployment by triggering an endpoint, you cannot have multiple files as inputs or outputs due to a technical limitation of the API calls.

To have multiple files as the inputs or outputs of an endpoint, you can compress the files into a single file (for example, with the [tar]{.title-ref} command) to be sent in the API call.

Examples: You can do


The data store is not yet available for the input/output mapping, but it's coming soon, so stay tuned.

Examples: You can't do

Creation input mapping

Import Dependencies

Before creating a mapping between the input/output of a pipeline and the sources/destinations of an endpoint, you need to import the InputSource and OutputDestination objects from the SDK.

from import InputSource, OutputDestination

Function Definition

For each input of your pipeline, in manual mapping, you need to create a mapping object that will be given to the create_deployment() function.

boat_endpoint_input = InputSource(

    ## Choose from one of these parameters
    endpoint_input_name="boat", ## For mapping with an endpoint
    environment_variable_name=None, ## For mapping with an environment variable
    constant_value=None, ## For mapping with a constant value
    is_null=True ## For mapping with None



  • step_input_name (str): name of the input at the step level to which the deployment input will be linked to

Different possible sources:

  • endpoint_input_name (str, optional): name of the input at the endpoint level to which the step input will be linked to
  • environment_variable_name (str, optional): name of the environment variable to which the step input will be linked to
  • constant_value (Any, optional): a constant value to which the step input will be linked to

Other parameters:

  • is_null (True, optional): if specified, the input will not take any value at execution time
  • default_value (Any, optional): this parameter can only be specified if the deployment is an endpoint. In this case, if nothing is passed at the endpoint level, the step input will take the default_value
  • is_required (bool, optional): this parameter can only be specified if the deployment is an endpoint.If set to True, the corresponding endpoint input should be provided at execution time.


An InputSource object that can be used in the deployment creation in the dictionary format.

Additional parameters for source definition

By default, the source is configured as an endpoint parameter, but you can configure a different source for your mapping. For each source, you have to add 1 parameter to :

  • Define the type of source with the name of parameter added
  • Precise element about the source

We will list all parameters you can have in your input mapping.


You can only add 1 parameter of source definition. By default, it's always endpoint source that is configured.

  1. Endpoint source

    Parameter name : endpoint_input_name

    Source from : Outside through the endpoint

    Value to put in parameter : name of the input received by the endpoint in the body of the HTTP call

    Example :

    endpoint_input = InputSource(
        required=False, #optional 
        default="Eureka", #optional
  2. Data store source

    Parameter name : datastore_path

    Source from : file content from the data store

    Value to put in parameter : path to a data store file

    Example :

    data_store_input = InputSource(

    Example step code to read file :

    def stepFileIO (trainingData) :
       print (trainingData)
       with open(trainingData["path"]) as f:
          contents = f.readlines()
          print (contents)
  3. Constant source

    Parameter name : constant_value

    Source from : static value

    Value to put in parameter : direct value

    Example :

    constant_input = InputSource(
  4. Environment variable

    Parameter name : environment_variable_name

    Source from : the variables set at the level of an Environment in the platform

    Value to put in parameter : name of the environment variable

    Example :

    env_var_input = InputSource(
  5. None value

    Parameter name : no_value

    Destination to : void

    Value to put in parameter : True

    Example :

    null_input = InputSource(

Create output mapping

Import dependency

Before creating mapping between input / output of pipeline and sources / destination of endpoint, you have to import InputSource and OutputDestination objects from SDK.

from import InputSource, OutputDestination

Function definition

For each output of your pipeline, in manual mapping, you have to create an object, that will be given to create_deployment() function.

endpoint_output = OutputDestination(

    ## Choose from one of these parameters
    endpoint_output_name="pred_0", ## For mapping with an endpoint
    is_null=True ## For mapping with None


  • step_output_name (str) - the specific output in the step
  • endpoint_output_name (str, optional) -- Name of the endpoint output to which the output is mapped.
  • is_null (True, optional) -- If specified, the output is not exposed as a deployment output.


An OutputSource object who can be used in the deployment creation.

Additional parameter for destination definition

By default, the destination is configured as an endpoint parameter, but can configure a different source for your mapping. For each source, you have to add 1 parameter to :

  • Define the type of destination with the name of parameter added
  • Precise element about the destination

We will list all parameters you can have in your output mapping.


You have to add just 1 parameter of destination definition. If a parameter destination is missing, the function will generate an error (as opposed to input mapping).

  1. Endpoint destination

    Parameter name : endpoint_output_name

    Destination to : Outside through the endpoint

    Value to put in parameter : name of the output received by the endpoint in the body of the HTTP call

    Example :

    prediction_deployment_ouput = OutputDestination(
  2. Data store destination

    Parameter name : datastore_path

    Destination to : write a file into the data store

    Value to put in parameter : path to a data store folder

    Example :

    prediction_deployment_ouput = OutputDestination(

    Example step code to send file :

    def stepFileIO () :
        text_file = open('history_prediction.txt', 'wb')  # Open the file in binary mode
        text_file.write("Result of step send in file output :) ".encode('utf-8'))  # Encode the string to bytes
        fileOjb = {"history_prediction" : {"path": "history_prediction.txt"}}
       return fileOjb 

    Dynamic path :

    You can also specify a dynamic path for the file to be uploaded by using one of the following patterns in your datastore path:

    • {execution_id}: The execution id of the deployment.
    • {date}: The date of the execution in truncated ISO 8601 (YYYYMMDD) format.
    • {date_time}: The date of the execution in ISO 8601 (YYYYM-MDD_hhmmss) format.

    Example with a dynamic path :

    prediction_deployment_ouput = OutputDestination(
  3. Void destination

    Parameter name : no_destination

    Destination to : void

    Value to put in parameter : True

    Example :

    prediction_deployment_ouput = OutputDestination(

4. Generate new endpoint token

If you need to alter the endpoint token for an endpoint, you can generate a new one with the following SDK function.



This will permanently deactivate the previous token.